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Contest for Bartlett Municipal Judge Div 2

Municipality Bartlett
general - Partisan - Bartlett Municipal Judge Div 2
The Municipal Judge for Bartlett Municipal Court Division 2 presides over cases involving municipal ordinances and traffic violations. This role includes interpreting laws, adjudicating disputes, and ensuring fair and impartial trials while upholding legal standards and procedural integrity. Additionally, the judge oversees courtroom proceedings, issues rulings, and administers justice in alignment with the principles of due process and community welfare. They are paid 70,000 a year.


Dan Brown

Dan Brown

👍 👎 🤡 😡 🤷
The information provided does not include specific details about Hon. Dan Brown's qualifications, experience, or suitability for the role of Bartlett Municipal Judge Division 2. However, he is currently serving in this role, suggesting he has been deemed fit to preside over cases involving municipal ordinances and traffic violations, interpret laws, adjudicate disputes, and administer justice. Further information would be needed to provide a more comprehensive assessment of his suitability.
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